Riding lengthwise happens by placing Chiboard deck on top of Chiboard roller in a parallel direction. Lengthwise chiboarding is a workout in front and back directions. Muscles and reflexes are trained mainly towards front and back. Thus your body gets to learn to use the back muscles, hips and abs in harmony. 

This never happens right away. It is a process that may take from 5 minutes to 30 minutes, maybe more. There are many factors affecting the learning process like the past workouts, sports performed before, what you ate yesterday, or how much sleep you had last night. It definitely shortens the process but it is absolutely not a must to have an history with sports. You can also have a look at lengthwise chiboarding.

  1. Before you begin, please watch the video on http://chiboard.co/how-to-ride.
  2. Also, be sure to read everything.
  3. Be sure that you are comfortable with riding Chiboard crosswise before starting this one. 
  4. Be sure that stoppers are installed tightly on both sides.
  5. Find a solid railing or counter-like object to hold while riding Chiboard with enough space for the deck in front of it.
  6. The ground should not be slippery or you should better use one of the Chiboard carpets.
  7. Put Chiboard on the floor so that the roller and the deck are parallel.
  8. Position the deck parallel to the ground with your hands.
  9. It will never be stable if you let go.
  10. Make sure your best friend is behind you and spotting you.
  11. Carefully put your dominant foot on the deck and hold it only with your dominant foot in balance while the other foot is still on the ground.
  12. Look straight ahead. Bend your knees slightly. Straighten your upper body with muscles relaxed.
  13. Make sure your hips and core are ready for movement.
  14. Hold on to the railing gently.
  15. Put all your weight on your dominant foot while taking the other foot next to it. Distance between your feet should be about one shoulder length.
  16. Try to get the feeling of front and back moving deck. 
  17. After trying this at least a 20 minutes, slowly let go your hands.  Be prepared to hold the railing back if you lose control.
  18. Use your arms, upper body, core, hips, legs, and whatever you got in harmony. The best way to do this is to use your mind by freeing it. That’s why it’s our motto ;)
  19. Now check http://chiboard.co/tricks to see what you can build upon this.